Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fishing Report November 17, 2008

I got to the lake late Friday evening and prepared to take my friend Craig and his daughters Cady and Tiye for an outing on
Saturday. They arrived at around noon on Saturday and we trolled towards my favorite cove. Tiye hooked onto a fish using
a fire tiger crankbait and she brought it almost all the way to the boat but needed a little help from her dad. Her sister Cady
helped in netting the fish which was a nice bass about 1.5 lbs. Next Cady hooked onto a 2 lb. bass and Tiye and her dad helped
net it. The girls thought it was so easy catching fish I decided to take them to a spot where I knew fish were holding to this
tree in twenty-seven feet of water. Using four pound test line, a small hook and a slitshot about nine inches up we lowered a
minnow down towards the bottom and brought it up slowly. Tiye oked up to a 2.5 pound spotted bass. The rod bent all the
way over and I thought she and the rod would go over board. But with help from her sister and dad they managed to land
the bass. Cady also landed a nice size bass at that spot. They limited out in the two hours we fished and had a great time.
When we got back to the dock they wouldn't hold the fish for pictures so I held it for them (see photo). Sunday morning I
took Greg out for a few hours. We started out at around eight in the morning and went to the same spot I had fished with
the girls the day before. Greg got hit by a nice size bass which weighted aprox. 3.5 to 4 pounds as he was bringing it to the
boat and was within an arms reach of it, I told him not to lift the head out of the water but unfortunately I was too late and
the fish spit the hook out and took off. We all know that feeling!!!! Greg did land some nice size bass having learned his
lesson but none as big as the one that got away. Tom, who I guided in the past, came into the cove and showed me his
Cobalt boat that he rigged for fishing. I told him to try trolling at Big Island and he called me later in the day and told me
that trolling worked for him. It appears that the best way to cover a lot of ground is to troll while you look for bait fish or
some other sign of fish activity. 'til next week................................................................good fishing!!!!!!!!!! If you would like to share any fishing stories please email me at
or call me at 650-583-3333.

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